在台灣新聞上看不到的真相(美國南加州大火)這是幾天前收到一封轉寄的依妹兒貼出來大家分享~~文章內容狂人不予評論也請各位大大不用評論狂人貼出來只想~~~~同為消防員為南加州賣力滅火的消防員~~~~~祝福祝您們~~平安~~~您們辛苦了~~~~加油~~~~ 在台灣新聞上看不到的真相(美國南加州大火)其實,我不在國內,所以真的不知道台灣到底電視新聞報導了多少南加州大火的畫面。只是我真的還是很為一些新聞電視台報導感到生氣....他們是以為這只是小小的火災嗎?所以我想轉貼一些美國記者或是攝影師拍到的照片,希望大家能夠真的認識這場加州史上可能是最嚴重的一場森林大火風暴。Photo by JOHN GIBBINS / Union-Tribune Traffic backed up on I-15 from closures forced by the wildfires on Sunday.在高速公路上因為居民大批撤離家園結果造成高速公路嚴重大塞車的情況Photo by CHARLES 訂做禮服STARR / Union-Tribune The fire moves south down Oak Canyon toward the 52 freeway.森林大火不是只是幾棵樹燒起來而已他們是沿著山坡整片像火浪一樣撲過來的Photo by CHARLES STARR / Union-Tribune A San Diego police officer backs his car off Clairemont Mesa Blvd just east of I-15 as thefire flares up on the north side.一台警車冒險近距離的監控火勢延燒到馬路對面Photo by CHARLES STARR / Union-Tribune San Diego firefighters work to keep the fire from jumping Clairemont Mesa Blvd.just east of I -15 in Tierrasanta.消防員們努力的灌救Photo by CHARLES STARR / Union-Tribune Fire rages on the east side of the I-15 at Clairemont Mesa Blvd.你可以看到。火勢已經燒到高速公路交流道附近。不是只是在人煙稀少的郊區地方Photo by JOHN GIBBINS / 濾桶Union-Tribune Fire approaching from a heavily treed canyon threatens houses in Scripps Ranch.大火燒到了住宅區外圍的樹木Photo by JOHN GIBBINS / Union-Tribune The fire line nears a Scripps Ranch development.大火正往一個密集的住宅區蔓延Fire burns toward homes in Scripps Ranch in this aerial shot. Photo by JOHN GIBBINS / Union-Tribune同上。你能想像這些住宅的居民心中會有多痛?他們辛苦工作儲蓄才建立的家園就這樣燒毀了。為什麼要用那種病態的報導來描述他們?!Flames envelop a home in Scripps Ranch. Photo by JOHN GIBBINS / Union-Tribune 原本應該是家人的避風港就這樣便成一片火海Photo by HOWARD LIPIN / Union-TribuneChris Kargacos holds a cloth over his mouth to protect himself from smoke from the fire burning in in Scripps Ranch.酒店經紀火災照成空氣品質嚴重變差。有些居民只能用布 遮住口鼻大火的灰燼會造成肺氣種等等的呼吸道疾病Fire engulfs a home as it sweeps up a canyon in San Diego . Associated Press燒毀的家....Associated Press我真的能夠體會,如果那是我的家我可能會崩潰的...A firefighter battles the fire in the Scripps Ranch. Associated Press勇哉消防員。目前已經有好幾位英勇的消防員為了救火而犧牲生命也有好幾十位消防員因此而受到嚴重灼傷。 Photo by Craig LoganA view from the bottom of the culdesac on Brookview Lane in Scripps Ranch looking east.漫天的大火...Photo by Howard Lipin / Union-Tribune With the sun above through the smoke and fire a home a 12818 Fairbrook Road is a total loss.燃燒中的房屋民宅慢慢的倒塌了...Photo by Howard Lipin / 酒店工作Union-Tribune San Diego Firefighter Wayne Cross sprays water on the home at 12555 Kingspine Ave. in an attempt to save it.消防員試圖灌救燃燒中的民房 Associated PressA row of homes in the Scripps Ranch are destroyed by a wild fire that swept the area.大火過後一片狼籍只剩下灰燼的家園你能想像如果這個家的主人知道我們說他們是5星級的難民他們會作何感想???Photo by Howard Lipin / Union-Tribune An American flag is almost all that is left standing at 12818 Fairbrook Road . The home was destroyed.殘破的星條旗在災後的現場屹立...Photo by Howard Lipin / Union-Tribune The remains of a home along Fairbrook Road near Rue Chamberry smolder.燒毀的家園....An aerial view of the fire burning in Scripps Ranch. Photo by JOHN GIBBINS / 酒店打工Union-Tribune 你現在能理解火勢有多大了嗎?Motorcycle police drive into the smoke in Scripps Ranch. Photo by K.C. ALFRED / Union-Tribune加州警騎在濃煙中奔波維持秩序A citizen bulldozes a firebreak west of Medina Drive in Santee . Photo by JIM BAIRD / Union-Tribune一位推土機救災駕駛冒著生命危險在火場中救災Photo by K.C. ALFRED / Union-TribuneSan Diego City firefighters eat as a home burns on HandrichDrive in Scripps Ranch.精疲力竭的消防員只能草草的用餐稍做休息立刻又投入救災很多人已經超過40個小時沒有睡眠了San Diego firefighter Jay Lee tries sprays down a burning home in vain. Photo by K.C. ALFRED / Union-Tribune勇哉消防員2San Diego City firefighters try to fight a fire on Rue Biarritz in Scripps Ranch. Photo by K.C. 酒店兼職ALFRED / Union-Tribune勇哉消防員3Photo by SEAN M. HAFFEY / Union-TribuneA San Diego Police Department officer can only watch as this home on Caminito Calor in Scripps Ranch burns.一位加州警騎監視掌控火場的發展....Photo by SEAN M. HAFFEY / Union-TribuneLos Angeles firefighter Eric Brue, who lives in San Diego and donned his gear as a volunteer, carries valuables out of a fully engulfed home on Caminito Munoz in Scripps Ranch.這位消防員正試圖搶救在燃燒民宅中珍貴的照片Photo by SEAN M. HAFFEY / Union-TribuneLos Angeles firefighter Eric Brue, who lives in San Diego and donned his gear as a volunteer, retreatsfrom a fully engulfed home.同一位消防員。他是志願參與救災滅火行動的Photo by DAN TREVAN / Union-TribuneJennifer 酒店經紀Huff evacuates her horses from a friend's home on Driftwood Creek Road in Blossom Valley .一位居民正企圖帶著他的馬匹逃離家園美國人是很重視生命的.....不管他是人還是動物Evacuees form lines for food and water at Qualcomm Stadium. Photo by CRISSY PASCUAL / Union-Triubne大批的災民排隊等候領取食物跟飲水(他們有誰看起來像是老爺太太少爺小姐的!?)East County Photo by DAN TREVAN / Union-Tribune 整個社區只剩下一片火海跟濃煙...Photo by JOHN GASTALDO / Union-TribuneEast Bay Regional Fire Lt. Mike Sweany of Oakland watchesthe progress of the Cedar Fire off Vista Ramona Road in Ramona.一位消防員拿下面罩稍做休息。疲憊的面容上不滿了濃煙留下的痕跡...Photo by JOHN GIBBINS / Union-TribuneA residential complex near the intersection 酒店工作of Portobelo Drive and Camino Playa Cancun was heavily damaged but not destroyed.一棟民宅,屋頂已經燒毀了,不過他算是上千戶燒毀民宅中比較幸運的了....Photo by Jim Baird / Union-Tribune Evacuees from the Scripps Ranch fire watch televised coverage of the fire from the gymnasium at Mira Mesa High School , one of the evacuation centers.部分災民只能在附近高中的體育館內避難。並且焦急的看著新聞轉播火災的發展。哪裡像是5星級了!? Photo by JIM BAIRD / Union-TribuneThe afternoon commute on I -8 in Mission Valley , which is not near any of the major fire areas. Much of the county looks like this or is worse. Compared to a normal sunny day, anout 98 percent of the light is missing.燃燒的大火引起濃煙遮蓋了天空.....Photo by JOHN 酒店打工GASTALDO / Union-TribuneFremont firefighters run to put water on part of a backfire lit on Hoskings Ranch Road to deny fuel to the main part of the Cedar Fire.由於季節強風導致火勢迅速蔓延。消防員們是冒著生命的危險在救災...Photo by HOWARD LIPIN / Union-TribuneResidents heading to their homes to see if anything is left, walk past the burned out remains of homes along Fairbrook Road .災後回到家園的居民....他們心中有多痛你們能體會嗎?台灣曾經也經歷過921大地震,那種失去家人失去家園的痛我以為我們是最能體會的。為什麼到今天台灣竟然會有媒體用這種態度報導這些流離失所的美國南加州災民?!如果當年曾經有來台灣協助921救災的美國朋友知道了。他們會多難過 多氣憤?可能是因為我就在災區現場附近吧。我真的覺得很難過聽到台灣是這樣報導南加州酒店兼職森林大火造成的災民......

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